Departure from Average Precipitation (mm)

Departure from Average Precipitation (mm) Departure from Average Precipitation represents the accumulated precipitation value for a location, subtracted by the long term average value. The long term average value is defined as the average amount over the 1981 – 2010 period. A negative value indicates that the location has received less than the normal amount of precipitation (mm) for that timeframe. A positive value indicates that the location has received more than the normal amount of precipitation (mm). Products are produced for the following timeframes: Agricultural Year, Growing Season, Winter Season as well as rolling products for 30, 60, 90, 180, 270, 365, 730, 1095, 1460 and 1825 days. 2023-02-23 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyagclimateDNPPrecipitationFarmlandsAgricultureCrops Data Product Specification (English)PDF Departure from Average Precipitation (mm)WMS Using AAFC Climate Services (French)PDF Data Product Specification (French)PDF Agroclimate Interactive Maps (English)HTML Agroclimate Interactive Maps (French)HTML Departure from Average Precipitation (mm)ESRI REST Pre-packaged GeoTIF files (No linguistic component)GeoTIF Using AAFC Climate Services (English)PDF Departure from Average Precipitation (mm)ESRI REST

Departure from Average Precipitation represents the accumulated precipitation value for a location, subtracted by the long term average value. The long term average value is defined as the average amount over the 1981 – 2010 period. A negative value indicates that the location has received less than the normal amount of precipitation (mm) for that timeframe. A positive value indicates that the location has received more than the normal amount of precipitation (mm). Products are produced for the following timeframes: Agricultural Year, Growing Season, Winter Season as well as rolling products for 30, 60, 90, 180, 270, 365, 730, 1095, 1460 and 1825 days.

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