Stress to the Atmosphere - Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Gas, 1998

Stress to the Atmosphere - Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Gas, 1998 The regional pattern of greenhouse gas emissions for 1998 is shown on this map. The map also shows regional emissions per capita, in terms of tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per habitant in each region. Carbon dioxide emissions are a large part, at least 55%, of the total greenhouse gas emissions in each region. Methane's share of greenhouse gas emissions is higher in provinces where agriculture and fossil fuel production are important economic activities. Nitrous oxide is produced by the transportation sector and by agricultural activities. The other gases shown are produced primarily by industrial sectors, particularly the aluminium production, located mainly in Quebec. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Nature and EnvironmentScience and Technologyclimate changemap Download the English JP2 File through HTTPJP2 Download the English ZIP (PDF,JPG) file through HTTPZIP Download the French JP2 File through HTTPother Download the French ZIP (PDF, JPG) File through HTTPZIP

The regional pattern of greenhouse gas emissions for 1998 is shown on this map. The map also shows regional emissions per capita, in terms of tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per habitant in each region. Carbon dioxide emissions are a large part, at least 55%, of the total greenhouse gas emissions in each region. Methane's share of greenhouse gas emissions is higher in provinces where agriculture and fossil fuel production are important economic activities. Nitrous oxide is produced by the transportation sector and by agricultural activities. The other gases shown are produced primarily by industrial sectors, particularly the aluminium production, located mainly in Quebec.

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