Canada’s Directive on Open Government – Creating a Culture of “Open by Default”


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The Government of Canada will issue a mandatory policy to all departments and agencies that will require them to release more open data and information. Canadians have told us they want to be able to find, use, and repurpose government data and information. The expanded release of data and information will help Canadians to engage with their government about policies, programs, and services. More open data and information will also drive openness, innovation, and economic opportunities.

Potential activities may include:

  • Issuing an Open Government policy to maximize the release of government information and data in order to support transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement, and provide socio-economic benefits. The policy could include:
    • Ensuring that data and information is published in accessible and open formats, via Government of Canada open government websites, under an open and unrestrictive licence;
    • Publishing inventories of departmental data and information holdings; and
    • Publishing Open Government Implementation Plans which describe the specific actions to be undertaken to identify data and information for release.

Your collaboration will help make this proposed activity become a reality. In addition to your general comments, please let us know:

  • What do you see as the ultimate goal for this proposed activity within a two year span?
  • What are the specific actions and milestones required to meet this goal?
  • Who else should be involved in the implementation of this proposed activity?
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