Endorsing parliamentary openness in Canada's National Action Plan


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Open North
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Parliaments around the world are adopting open parliament action plans as part of their Open Government National Action Plans. Legislative openness has been called "one of the greatest success stories of the OGP" [2]. The House of Commons of Canada could endorse the principles set out in the Declaration on Parliamentary Openness [3]. Supported by 140 organizations in 75 countries, the Declaration promotes a culture of openness by making parliamentary information transparent, easing access to parliamentary information, and enabling electronic communication of parliamentary information. Endorsing the Declaration would send a clear institutional signal to all Canadians that Parliament is commitment to these principles and opportunities for future collaboration on open parliament initiatives. Working with civil society, the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, or another parliamentary body, could explore which parliamentary mechanism would be appropriate to achieve this commitment idea.

[1] Republic of Georgia, Ukraine, Costa Rica, and others.
[2] http://www.opengovpartnership.org/blog/ogp-webmaster/2016/04/19/legislative-openness-one-ogp%E2%80%99s-greatest-success-stories
[3] http://www.openingparliament.org/declaration

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