_id Year   Date(dd-mm-yyyy)   ObserverNames   Easting(atSECorner)   Northing(atSECorner)   SiteName   PlotName   PlotNumber   LineNumber   Distanceinmeters   Diameter(cm)   SpeciesCode   SpeciesCommonName   SpeciesScientificName   DecompositionClass   CauseofOriginforDWDNatural(N)/HumanCaused(C)   Type:StumporLog   Coveredinmorethan50%moss   Burned   Hollow   Evidenceofthepresenceofwildlife   Notes   colspacer
Year Date (dd-mm-yyyy) Observer Names Easting (at SE Corner) Northing (at SE Corner) Site Name Plot Name Plot Number Line Number Distance in meters Diameter (cm) Species Code Species Common Name Species Scientific Name Decomposition Class Cause of Origin for DWD Natural(N)/Human Caused(C) Type: Stump or Log Covered in more than 50% moss Burned Hollow Evidence of the presence of wildlife Notes