_id SiteIdentificationCode   SiteWellIdentification(A/B/C)   SiteName   MonitoringWellInstallationDate   WetlandType   UTMZone   EastingUTM   NorthingUTM   Wetlanddistancefromdisturbance   Slope(%)   Aspect(o)   Totaldepthofpeatsurroundingwell(m)   Numberofpeatlayerssurroundingwell   TopographicPosition   NutrientRegime(Poor,Medium,Rich)   PlotClosure(%)   Microhabitatspresent   Comments   colspacer
Site Identification Code Site Well Identification (A/B/C) Site Name Monitoring Well Installation Date Wetland Type UTM Zone Easting UTM Northing UTM Wetland distance from disturbance Slope (%) Aspect (o) Total depth of peat surrounding well (m) Number of peat layers surrounding well Topographic Position Nutrient Regime (Poor, Medium, Rich) Plot Closure (%) Microhabitats present Comments