_id TransectIdentification   Park   Year   TransectLength   TransectStartPoint-Easting   TransectStartPoint-Northing   TransectEndPoint-Easting   TransectEndPoint-Northing   DateandTimeCollected   AzimuthReadingfromStartPoint   Notes   Elevation   SiteLayout   Aspect   DisturbanceType   DisturbanceYear   HabitatType   Marker   Flagging   PreviouslyControlled   ControlYear   ControlType   BiogeoclimaticEcosystemClassificationZone   InvasiveVegetationZone   Slope   Species   SumofLength   colspacer
Transect Identification Park Year Transect Length Transect Start Point - Easting Transect Start Point - Northing Transect End Point - Easting Transect End Point - Northing Date and Time Collected Azimuth Reading from Start Point Notes Elevation Site Layout Aspect Disturbance Type Disturbance Year Habitat Type Marker Flagging Previously Controlled Control Year Control Type Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification Zone Invasive Vegetation Zone Slope Species Sum of Length