_id UniqueID   WaterBody   SiteIdentificationCode   Year   TrapSettingOrder   DateTrapSet   TimeTrapSet   DateTrapHauled   TimeTrapHauled   Numberofnightstrapsetinwaterbeforechecked   TrapDepthSet(cm)   TrapDepthHaul(cm)   WaterTemperatureatSet(degC)   WaterTemperatureatHaul(degC)   DissolvedOxygenatset(mg/L)   DissolvedOxygenathaul(mg/L)   Salinityatset(ppt)   Salinityathaul(ppt)   Turbidity(NTU)measuredwithSecchiDisk   Turbidity(NTU)measuredwithSecchiDiskandAquavuecamera   pHatset   pHathaul   SpecificConductivityatset(uS/cm)   SpecificConductivityathaul(uS/cm)   Uniquefishidentificationnumber   Species   Forklength(cm)   Totallength(cm)   Bodylength(cm)   Weight(g)   Marked(Y/N/U)   Recapture(Y/N/U)   Mortality(Y/N/U)   SeaRun(Y/N/U)   AgeClass   FultonCondition(K)   Parasites(Y/N)   Notes   colspacer
Unique ID Water Body Site Identification Code Year Trap Setting Order Date Trap Set Time Trap Set Date Trap Hauled Time Trap Hauled Number of nights trap set in water before checked Trap Depth Set (cm) Trap Depth Haul (cm) Water Temperature at Set (degC) Water Temperature at Haul (degC) Dissolved Oxygen at set (mg/L) Dissolved Oxygen at haul (mg/L) Salinity at set (ppt) Salinity at haul (ppt) Turbidity (NTU) measured with Secchi Disk Turbidity (NTU) measured with Secchi Disk and Aquavue camera pH at set pH at haul Specific Conductivity at set (uS/cm) Specific Conductivity at haul (uS/cm) Unique fish identification number Species Fork length (cm) Total length (cm) Body length (cm) Weight (g) Marked (Y/N/U) Recapture (Y/N/U) Mortality (Y/N/U) Sea Run (Y/N/U) Age Class Fulton Condition (K) Parasites (Y/N) Notes