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22 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Arctic hare population size - Gros Morne

    On insular Newfoundland, the Arctic Hare reaches the southernmost limit of their distribution and are typically found in mountainous areas where elevation and climate have created an arctic-like landscape therefore making it an important herbivore species within the Tundra/Barrens ecosystem. A...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Harlequin duck abundance - Gros Morne

    In eastern Canada, Harlequin ducks are uncommon and are listed by COSEWIC as a species of special concern. Resident of fast flowing-rivers and streams during the breeding season, their presence and abundance reflects the health of these ecosystems. The park censuses harlequin ducks on four rivers...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Status of herb willow in late snowbeds - Gros Morne

    Herb willow is dominant Arctic-alpine plant in snowbeds and, being a low-growing species, could potentially be crowded out if southern species colonise these sites. Herb willow is being monitored at 14 snowbeds in Gros Morne. At each snowbed willow is sampled along a 1 m x 15 m permanent strip...
    Parks Canada
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    Advanced regeneration of balsam fir - Gros Morne

    Overbrowsing of balsam fir saplings by introduced moose can lead to stand conversion to non-forest. The park measures the browse rates of fir saplings in mature forest stands, which will indicate whether non-browsed advanced regeneration is sufficent to allow stand replacement following...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Forest bird biodiversity in winter - Gros Morne

    Birds are an important component of the biodiversity of boreal forests and bird populations can serve as a useful measure of forest health. The monitoring of winter forest bird assemblage combines a passive point count with broadcasts of chickadee and Red Crossbill calls. The survey is done for...
    Parks Canada
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    Inventory of active beaver colonies - Gros Morne

    Beavers are important ecosystem architects, creating wetland habitats, thickets and meadows by damming streams and cutting down woody vegetation along stream banks. This measure consist of an aerial survey of the number of active beaver colonies in lowland forests of Gros Morne National Park. It...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Understory woody plant diversity - Gros Morne

    Intensive moose browsing appears to have led to a large reduction in woody plant abundance and diversity in Gros Morne National Park mature forests.This measure assess the biodiversity of native shrubs and tree saplings in the understory of mature balsam fir forest stands. Stems are being...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Density of moose - Gros Morne

    Introduced Moose, lacking natural predators in Gros Morne, are causing widespread damage in park forests. Park-wide Moose density will be monitored using aerial surveys and estimated using the Gasaway (1986) stratified random block method. Bull, cow, calf and unknown Moose are counted in...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Browse Pressure - Terra Nova

    Terra Nova National Park monitors non-native mammal browse pressure on forest plant communities on transects and plots.
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Snowbed meltout phenology - Gros Morne

    Late snowbeds afford critical habitat for many species of Arctic and alpine plants in Gros Morne National Park. Temperature loggers are being anchored at ground level within the perimeter of 14 late snowbeds, which allows measurement of the meltout date for that point in each snowbed each year.
    Parks Canada
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
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