_id Reference Number    Disclosure Group    Title (English)    Title (French)    Name    Purpose of hospitality activity (English)    Purpose of hospitality activity (French)    Start Date    End Date    Municipality where the hospitality activity took place (English)    Municipality where the hospitality activity took place (French)    Name of commercial establishment or vendor involved in the hospitality activity (English)    Name of commercial establishment or vendor involved in the hospitality activity (French)    Attendees (Government of Canada Officials)    Attendees (Guests)    Total cost    Additional comments (English)    Additional comments (French)    owner_org    owner_org_title    colspacer
ref_number disclosure_group title_en title_fr name description_en description_fr start_date end_date location_en location_fr vendor_en vendor_fr employee_attendees guest_attendees total additional_comments_en additional_comments_fr owner_org owner_org_title