_id Calendar Year Reporting Period    Number of Goods Contracts $10K and under    Goods Contracts $10K and under - Original Value    Goods Contracts Amendments from -$10K to $10K - Net Amendment Value    Number of Service Contracts $10K and under    Service Contracts $10K and under - Original Value    Service Contracts from -$10K to $10K - Net Amendment Value    Number of Construction Contracts $10K and under    Construction Contracts $10K and under - Original Value    Construction Contracts Amendments from -$10K to $10K - Net Amendment Value    Number of Acquisition Card Transactions for all Dollar Values    Acquisition Card Transactions for all Dollar Values – Total Value    owner_org    owner_org_title    colspacer
year contract_goods_number_of contracts_goods_original_value contracts_goods_amendment_value contract_service_number_of contracts_service_original_value contracts_service_amendment_value contract_construction_number_of contracts_construction_original_value contracts_construction_amendment_value acquisition_card_transactions_number_of acquisition_card_transactions_total_value owner_org owner_org_title