Linear Landform Features of the Athabasca Oil Sands (in Situ) Area (GIS data, line features)
The dataset was developed as part of the Western Economic Partnership Agreement (WEPA) project covering all of NTS 73M, southern three-quarters of 74D and southeast part of 84A. It contains all the linear landform features such as eskers, flutings and melt-water channels, etc. Part of the dataset was complied by air photo interpretations and followed by random ground-truthing (NTS73M) by AGS geologists. Dataset was then merged with other existing surficial geology maps (NTS 74D and 84A). Analysis of surficial geological materials, aspects of local relief, and morphological characteristics of surface landforms form an integral component in the evaluation of recharge fluxes to regional groundwater flow systems. To assist in the evaluation of groundwater recharge, terrain analysis maps were constructed in GIS format at a scale of 1:50 000 and 1:250 000 for most of the study area, including all of map NTS 73M (Winefred), the southern three-quarters of map NTS 74D (Waterways), and the southeast part of NTS 84A (Algar). Surficial geology maps of the portion of the study area that lies within map area NTS 83P (Pelican) were published by the surficial geology group in the Minerals Section of the Alberta Geological Survey. The terrain analysis maps in NTS 73M and NTS 84A were constructed almost entirely from the interpretation of 1:60 000 scale aerial photographs, supplemented with only a minor amount of ground verification. Terrain analysis maps in the area defined by NTS 74D were constructed from both aerial photograph analysis as well as from published surficial geology information (Bayrock, L. and Reimchen, T., 1973). Classification of the terrain was based on interpretations of landform types, tonal reflections of surface materials, differences in vegetative cover, and differences in drainage patterns and characteristics, all of which can be identified on aerial photographs. It is for this reason that the maps are referred to as aerial photograph terrain analysis maps, rather than surficial geology maps, which generally have a greater amount of ground verification. The reader is therefore cautioned that a higher degree of uncertainty exists regarding the information depicted on the terrain analysis map, compared to that on a surficial geology map.
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Alberta
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Alberta
Data and Resources
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SHP (From Alberta Geodiscover Portal metadata)ZIPEnglish dataset ZIP
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