Vaccines and treatments for COVID-19

Vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 Currently there are no therapies available for either the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Health Canada is closely tracking all potential therapeutic treatments and vaccines in development in Canada and abroad, including products that are being used off-label. The Department is working with vaccine developers, researchers, and manufacturers to help expedite the development and availability of medical products such as vaccines, antibodies, and drugs to prevent and treat COVID-19. 2020-09-25 Health Canada Health and SafetyVaccines for COVID-19treatments for COVID-19vacc.ine developersresearchersand manufacturers Vaccines and treatments for COVID-19HTML Vaccines and treatments for COVID-19HTML

Currently there are no therapies available for either the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Health Canada is closely tracking all potential therapeutic treatments and vaccines in development in Canada and abroad, including products that are being used off-label. The Department is working with vaccine developers, researchers, and manufacturers to help expedite the development and availability of medical products such as vaccines, antibodies, and drugs to prevent and treat COVID-19.

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