Stream Fish Occupancy - Banff

Stream Fish Occupancy - Banff This is a backpack electrofishing based survey that enumerates all species caught a random selection of sites within a given watershed. Cascade, Panther and Spray watersheds were sampled in the fall of 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively. The purpose is to repeat these surveys every 10 years to quantify changes to the distribution of native and non-native fishes. 2024-12-09 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentBanff National Parkfishcutthroat troutbull troutbrook troutelectrofishing Stream Fish Occupancy - BanffCSV Stream Fish Occupancy - Banff - Data DictionaryCSV

This is a backpack electrofishing based survey that enumerates all species caught a random selection of sites within a given watershed. Cascade, Panther and Spray watersheds were sampled in the fall of 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively. The purpose is to repeat these surveys every 10 years to quantify changes to the distribution of native and non-native fishes.

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