Accessibility Standards Canada: Accessibility Plan
This is Accessibility Standards Canada's first Accessibility Plan. In keeping with our values, we consulted with employees and stakeholders to develop the plan. We sought feedback on the priority areas found in the Act to identify barriers. You can see the findings from these interviews and consultations summarized in the section on the priority areas under the Act. We identified 7 desired objectives; one for each priority area:
- To enhance recruitment, retention, training, advancement, job satisfaction and support of employees with disabilities.
- To offer the highest level of accommodation for employees and guests with disabilities, including the Board of Directors and technical committee members, to use the facility based on available technology and standards.
- Employees and stakeholders can use Information and communication technologies (ICT) to engage in their work.
- Employees and stakeholders have the knowledge they need to do their work.
- To embed accessibility into our procurement philosophy.
- Canadians are able to access and experience our programs.
- Employees and guests, including technical committee and Board members can access our premises autonomously.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Accessibility Standards Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Accessibility Standards Canada: Accessibility PlanHTMLFrench website HTML
Accessibility Standards Canada: Accessibility PlanHTMLEnglish website HTML
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