What we heard - Transforming Canada's criminal justice system

What we heard - Transforming Canada's criminal justice system This report summarizes discussions held during the roundtables. It highlights best practices, challenges and suggested improvements. It highlights best practices, challenges and suggested improvements. This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Canada. The purpose of the Criminal Justice review was to assess the changes in the criminal justice system over the past decade, including sentencing reforms. The review was also to ensure "that we are increasing the safety of our communities, getting value for our money, addressing gaps and ensuring that current provisions are aligned with the objectives of the criminal justice system." Highlights of Findings Almost all roundtable participants stressed the same major concern. They said that most people who come in contact with the criminal justice system are vulnerable or marginalized individuals. Most felt the criminal justice system is not equipped to address the issues that cause criminal behaviour in these groups, nor should it be. They felt the system should promote public safety and respect for the law, and deal with crime in a just, fair, efficient and compassionate manner. The cross-Canada roundtables focused on the following five broad themes: The system must be made fair, efficient and compassionate, using evidence and sound information. The need for different approaches for people with mental illness and addictions A call for collaborative approaches that partner with social systems, the private sector and others in the criminal justice system The need to increase opportunities for and the use of restorative justice, and Addressing victims issues with compassion and fairness, allowing survivors of crime to be heard. 2023-05-17 Department of Justice Canada OG-GO@justice.gc.ca LawPersonsSociety and CultureDepartment of JusticeAccess to InformationCanada's System of JusticeCriminal LawLegal ReformCriminal Justice System Review What we heard - Transforming Canada's criminal justice system HTML https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/tcjs-tsjp/p1.html#s1 What we heard - Transforming Canada's criminal justice systemHTML https://www.justice.gc.ca/fra/pr-rp/autre-other/tsjp-tcjs/p1.html#s1 What we heard - Transforming Canada's criminal justice systemPDF https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/tcjs-tsjp/WWH_EN.pdf What we heard - Transforming Canada's criminal justice systemPDF https://www.justice.gc.ca/fra/pr-rp/autre-other/tsjp-tcjs/WWH_FRA.pdf

This report summarizes discussions held during the roundtables. It highlights best practices, challenges and suggested improvements. It highlights best practices, challenges and suggested improvements.

This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Canada.

The purpose of the Criminal Justice review was to assess the changes in the criminal justice system over the past decade, including sentencing reforms.

The review was also to ensure "that we are increasing the safety of our communities, getting value for our money, addressing gaps and ensuring that current provisions are aligned with the objectives of the criminal justice system."

Highlights of Findings

Almost all roundtable participants stressed the same major concern. They said that most people who come in contact with the criminal justice system are vulnerable or marginalized individuals. Most felt the criminal justice system is not equipped to address the issues that cause criminal behaviour in these groups, nor should it be.

They felt the system should promote public safety and respect for the law, and deal with crime in a just, fair, efficient and compassionate manner.

The cross-Canada roundtables focused on the following five broad themes:

The system must be made fair, efficient and compassionate, using evidence and sound information. The need for different approaches for people with mental illness and addictions A call for collaborative approaches that partner with social systems, the private sector and others in the criminal justice system The need to increase opportunities for and the use of restorative justice, and Addressing victims issues with compassion and fairness, allowing survivors of crime to be heard.

  • Publisher - Current Organization Name: Department of Justice Canada
  • Publisher - Organization Name at Publication: Department of Justice
  • Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada

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