Crime Victims’ Experiences of Restorative Justice: A Listening Project
This report is organized to reflect the rich information gathered from the Listening Project on Crime Victims’ Experiences of Restorative Justice. The structure of this report is as follows:
• background on restorative justice and its relationship with crime victims, • an overview of the Listening Project, • findings on the needs of victims of crime and how restorative justice did and did not meet those needs, • suggestions from Listening Project participants on how to enhance meaningful victim involvement, and; • feedback and conclusion.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Department of Justice Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Crime Victims’ Experiences of Restorative Justice: A Listening ProjectHTMLEnglish report HTML
Crime Victims’ Experiences of Restorative Justice: A Listening ProjectHTMLFrench report HTML
Crime Victims’ Experiences of Restorative Justice: A Listening ProjectPDFEnglish report PDF
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