The Eastern Arctic dataset comes from the Petroleum and Environmental Management Tool (PEMT). The online tool was decommissioned in 2019 and the data was transferred to Open Data in order to preserve it.
The PEMT was originally developed in 2009 to help guide development in the Canadian Arctic by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). The online tool mapped the sensitivities of a variety of Arctic features, ranging from whales to traditional harvesting, across the Arctic. The tool was intended to aid government, oil and gas companies, Aboriginal groups, resource managers and public stakeholders in better understanding the geographic distribution of areas which are sensitive for environmental and socio-economic reasons.
The study area is located east of Baffin Island, Nunavut and encompasses marine habitat in Baffin Bay and Davis Strait. The boundaries of the study area are based on NOGB leasing grids applied in the Eastern Arctic, under which exploration and production licenses may be issued. Although portions of the study area hold high oil and gas potential and several small oil fields and substantial reserves of gas have been found since the 1960s in the north Baffin region, exploration for oil and gas has been limited to seismic operations and geological field work.
DISCLAIMER: Please refer to the PEMT Disclaimer document or the Resource Constraints - Use Limitation in the Additional Information section below.
Note: This is one of the 3 (three) datasets included in the PEMT application which includes the Beaufort Sea and Mackenzie Delta and High Arctic datasets.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Web Feature Service (WFS)WFSEnglish French web_service WFS
Pre-packaged FGDB fileFGDB/GDBEnglish French dataset FGDB/GDB
Pre-packaged SHP fileSHPEnglish French dataset SHP
Pre-packaged CSV fileCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
Data Dictionary - Web Services (in French)CSVFrench guide CSV
Data Dictionary - Web Services (in English)CSVEnglish guide CSV
Data Dictionary - FGDB (in French)CSVFrench guide CSV
Data Dictionary - FGDB (in English)CSVEnglish guide CSV
Data Dictionary - SHP (in French)CSVFrench guide CSV
Data Dictionary - SHP (in English)CSVEnglish guide CSV
Data Dictionary - CSV (in French)CSVFrench guide CSV
Data Dictionary - CSV (in English)CSVEnglish guide CSV
PEMT Eastern Arctic Layers (in English)PDFEnglish guide PDF
PEMT Eastern Arctic Layers (in French)PDFFrench guide PDF
PEMT Eastern ArcticKMLEnglish French dataset KML
PEMT Eastern ArcticESRI RESTEnglish web_service ESRI REST
PEMT Eastern ArcticESRI RESTFrench web_service ESRI REST
PEMT Eastern ArcticWMSEnglish web_service WMS
PEMT Eastern ArcticWMSFrench web_service WMS
PEMT Disclaimer (French)PDFFrench guide PDF
PEMT Disclaimer (English)PDFEnglish guide PDF
Contact Information
Delivery Point: Terrasses de la Chaudière, 10 Wellington, North Tower
City: Gatineau
Administrative Area: Quebec
Postal Code: K1A 0H4
Country: Canada
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