_id Fiscal Year Ending    Description of departmental mandate (English)    Description of departmental mandate (French)    Travel ≥2018 – Operational activities ($ thousands)    Travel ≥2018 – Key stakeholders ($ thousands)    Travel ≥2018 – Training ($ thousands)    Travel ≥2018 – Other ($ thousands)    Travel ≥2018 – Internal governance ($ thousands)    Travel <2018 – Non-Public Servants ($ thousands)    Travel <2018 – Public Servants ($ thousands)    Hospitality ($ thousands)    Conference Fees ($ thousands)    International Travel by Minister and Minister's Staff ($ thousands)    Explanation of Significant Variance of the total travel expenditure (English)    Explanation of Significant Variance of the total travel expenditure (French)    Hospitality - Explanation of Significant Variance (English)    Hospitality - Explanation of Significant Variance (French)    Conference Fees - Explanation of Significant Variance (English)    Conference Fees - Explanation of Significant Variance (French)    International Travel by Minister and Minister’s Staff - Explanation of Significant Variance (English)    International Travel by Minister and Minister’s Staff - Explanation of Significant Variance (French)    owner_org    owner_org_title    colspacer
year mandate_description_en mandate_description_fr operational_activities_kdollars key_stakeholders_kdollars training_kdollars other_kdollars internal_governance_kdollars non_public_servants_kdollars public_servants_kdollars hospitality_kdollars conference_fees_kdollars minister_kdollars travel_compared_fiscal_year_en travel_compared_fiscal_year_fr hospitality_compared_fiscal_year_en hospitality_compared_fiscal_year_fr conference_fees_compared_fiscal_year_en conference_fees_compared_fiscal_year_fr minister_compared_fiscal_year_en minister_compared_fiscal_year_fr owner_org owner_org_title