Service delivery performance for the Ontario Public Service

Service delivery performance for the Ontario Public Service The OPS CSS are service commitments that you can expect when accessing government services by: * telephone * in-person visits * e-mail * regular mail * fax * government websites Where tracking systems were not available, sampling and mystery shopping was used to estimate results. *[CSS]: Common Service Standards *[OPS]: Ontario Public Service 2025-02-05 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsGovernment and FinanceGovernment css open data 2014-15 3.xlsxXLSX css open data 2014-15 3 0.xlsxXLSX Original metadata (

The OPS CSS are service commitments that you can expect when accessing government services by: * telephone * in-person visits * e-mail * regular mail * fax * government websites Where tracking systems were not available, sampling and mystery shopping was used to estimate results. [CSS]: Common Service Standards [OPS]: Ontario Public Service

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