Notice: Prescription Drug List (PDL): Polymyxin B

Notice: Prescription Drug List (PDL): Polymyxin B The purpose of this Notice of Amendment is to notify that Health Canada will switch certain uses of Polymyxin B to prescription status for veterinary use by adding it to the Veterinary Prescription Drug List (PDL). The Human listing for Polymyxin B of the PDL remains unchanged. 2023-09-30 Health Canada Health and Safetynotice of amendmentPrescription Drug ListPDLPolymyxin B Notice: Prescription Drug List (PDL): Polymyxin BHTML Notice: Prescription Drug List (PDL): Polymyxin BHTML

The purpose of this Notice of Amendment is to notify that Health Canada will switch certain uses of Polymyxin B to prescription status for veterinary use by adding it to the Veterinary Prescription Drug List (PDL). The Human listing for Polymyxin B of the PDL remains unchanged.

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