Overview of the Data Management Strategy of the Public Service Commission

Overview of the Data Management Strategy of the Public Service Commission This document presents the different activities related to each of the pillars of the Data Management Strategy of the PSC 2020-07-08 Public Service Commission of Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Government and PoliticsOverview of the Data Management StrategyData Management StrategyData StrategyStrategy Pilars PSCPublic Service CommissionPSCData Overview of the PSC Data Management Strategy (DMS): The Right Data, The Right Way, In The Right Hands, At The Right TimeDOCX https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/psc-cfp/documents/data-donnees/dms-sgd/Overview-PSC-Data-Management-Strategy-Accessible.docx Overview of the PSC Data Management Strategy (DMS): The Right Data, The Right Way, In The Right Hands, At The Right TimeDOCX https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/psc-cfp/documents/data-donnees/dms-sgd/Plan-mise-œuvre-Stratégie-gestion-données.docx Overview of the PSC Data Management Strategy (DMS): The Right Data, The Right Way, In The Right Hands, At The Right TimeHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/public-service-commission/services/publications/data-management-strategy-right-data-way-hands-time.html Overview of the PSC Data Management Strategy (DMS): The Right Data, The Right Way, In The Right Hands, At The Right TimeHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/commission-fonction-publique/services/publications/strategie-gestion-donnees-bonnes-facon-mains-bon-moment.html