6. List of Permitted Firming Agents (Lists of Permitted Food Additives)

6. List of Permitted Firming Agents (Lists of Permitted Food Additives) This List of Permitted Firming Agents sets outs the authorized food additives that are used to make or keep a food firm or crisp. 2021-10-19 Health Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Health and Safetypermitted food additivespermitted firming agentsauthorized food additivesa food firma food crisp 6. List of Permitted Firming Agents (Lists of Permitted Food Additives)HTML https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/food-nutrition/food-safety/food-additives/lists-permitted/transition-guide-understanding-using-lists-permitted-food-additives.html 6. List of Permitted Firming Agents (Lists of Permitted Food Additives)HTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/aliments-nutrition/salubrite-aliments/additifs-alimentaires/listes-autorises/6-agents-raffermissants.html

This List of Permitted Firming Agents sets outs the authorized food additives that are used to make or keep a food firm or crisp.

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