Archived - Applications to the Public Service: Supporting Documentation
Applicant data refers to information on selected characteristics (e.g. geographical area and educational profile) for applicants to externally advertised processes, via the Post-Secondary Recruitment program (PSR), the Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) and general external recruitment advertisements of departments and agencies.
The Public Service Commission (PSC) administers a number of programs to support departments and agencies in their renewal efforts and to enable targeted recruitment based on the skills required for the future. These programs also provide economies of scale for departments and agencies that are undertaking strategic recruitment.
To this end, the PSC administers three student employment programs — the Federal Student Work Experience Program, the Research Affiliate Program and the Post-Secondary Co-op/ Internship Program. These programs are designed to provide students with on-the-job assignments where they can develop the skills and knowledge required for entry into the workforce, while meeting the temporary needs of managers.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Public Service Commission of Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Archived - Applications to the Public Service: Supporting DocumentationPDFEnglish dataset PDF
Archived - Applications to the Public Service: Supporting DocumentationPDFFrench dataset PDF