July 22 – Appearance by the Minister of National Defence

July 22 – Appearance by the Minister of National Defence Briefing binder created for the Minister of National Defence on the occasion of his appearance before the Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic on July 22, 2020. CAF Assistance in LCTF, CAF Support to the Whole of Government, Victoria Class Submarines, MEDINT, PPE, Hateful conduct in the CAF 2020-11-19 National Defence open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca MilitaryCAF Assistance in LCTFCAF Support to the Whole of GovernmentVictoria Class SubmarinesMEDINTPPEHateful conduct in the CAF July 22 – Appearance by the Minister of National DefenceHTML https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/proactive-disclosure/special-committee-covid-19-pandemic/20200722-mnd-appearance.html July 22 – Appearance by the Minister of National DefenceHTML https://www.canada.ca/fr/ministere-defense-nationale/organisation/rapports-publications/divulgation-proactive/comite-special-pandemie-covid-19/20200722-mdn-comparution.html

Briefing binder created for the Minister of National Defence on the occasion of his appearance before the Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic on July 22, 2020. CAF Assistance in LCTF, CAF Support to the Whole of Government, Victoria Class Submarines, MEDINT, PPE, Hateful conduct in the CAF

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