Health indicator : personal wellness index

Health indicator : personal wellness index The Alberta Survey program is a telephone conducted survey of Albertans, to collect data on specific determinants of health to support the creation of material and social deprivation indices, and assess their effects on health. This dataset contains individual level survey response details for the category Personal Wellness Index, along with a supporting document containing a column description for this dataset. Aggregate level datasets for select determinants based upon the ACHS are also available. 2025-01-15 Government of Alberta Health and SafetyACHSAlberta Community Health SurveyIHDAInteractive Health Data Applicationsurveystelephone surveyswellness Health indicator : personal wellness indexother Original metadata (

The Alberta Survey program is a telephone conducted survey of Albertans, to collect data on specific determinants of health to support the creation of material and social deprivation indices, and assess their effects on health. This dataset contains individual level survey response details for the category Personal Wellness Index, along with a supporting document containing a column description for this dataset. Aggregate level datasets for select determinants based upon the ACHS are also available.

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