Ontario farm financial analysis data
Get benchmark data on various farm types using business risk management program information in Ontario. Farm types include: * apple * grapes * beef cow calf * beef feedlot * dairy goat * field crops * greenhouse cucumbers * greenhouse flowers * greenhouse peppers * greenhouse tomatoes * sheep * swine farrow to finish * swine finish Includes data related to: * number of farms * financial measures * financial ratios * production Statistical data are compiled to serve as a source of agriculture and food statistics for the province of Ontario. Data are prepared primarily by Statistics and Economics staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, in co-operation with the Agriculture Division of Statistics Canada and various government departments and farm marketing boards.
Made available by the Government of Ontario
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Ontario
- Licence: Open Government Licence – Ontario
Data and Resources
appleXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
beef cow calfXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
beef feedlotXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
dairy goatXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
field cropsXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
grapesXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
greenhouse cucumberXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
greenhouse flowerXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
greenhouse pepperXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
greenhouse tomatoXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
sheepXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
swine farrow to finishXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX
swine finishXLSXEnglish French dataset XLSX