_id Areaofpark   Populationyear   SurveyYear   SurveyMonth   SurveyDay   Speciesname   Unknownageandsexcount   Adultmalecount   Adultfemalecount   Adultunknowncount   Yearlingcount   Calfcount   Surveytotal   Sightabilitycorrectionfactor   Additionalcaptivecount   Animalsremovedpriortosurvey   Fallpopulationestimate   Surveycomment   Estimatemethod   colspacer
Area of park Population year Survey Year Survey Month Survey Day Species name Unknown age and sex count Adult male count Adult female count Adult unknown count Yearling count Calf count Survey total Sightability correction factor Additional captive count Animals removed prior to survey Fall population estimate Survey comment Estimate method