Poster: Protect your pets from ticks and Lyme disease

Poster: Protect your pets from ticks and Lyme disease Lyme disease is spread by the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. These ticks are often found in and near areas with trees, shrubs, tall grass or piles of leaves. 2020-06-29 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and SafetyLyme diseasetickspetsveterinariantrees Poster: Protect your pets from ticks and Lyme diseaseHTML Poster: Protect your pets from ticks and Lyme diseaseHTML Poster: Protect your pets from ticks and Lyme diseasePDF Poster: Protect your pets from ticks and Lyme diseasePDF

Lyme disease is spread by the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. These ticks are often found in and near areas with trees, shrubs, tall grass or piles of leaves.

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