Women’s diplomatic leadership: 3 women tell us their stories

Women’s diplomatic leadership: 3 women tell us their stories We have come a long way since the first woman to represent Canada abroad, Margaret Meagher, was appointed ambassador to Israel in 1958. Almost 65 years later, Canada is among the countries with the greatest proportion of women occupying key leadership roles in diplomacy. Read our new story, which features the words of 3 women who have represented Canada abroad. 2023-07-24 Global Affairs Canada open-ouvert@tbs-sct.gc.ca Government and PoliticsGender equalityWomen and girlsCareerStoriesGlobal Affairs Cannadadevelopmenttradeforeign policydiplomatic leadership Women’s diplomatic leadership: 3 women tell us their storiesHTML https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/stories-histoires/2022/diplomatic_leadership_diplomatique-2022-03.aspx?lang=eng Women’s diplomatic leadership: 3 women tell us their storiesHTML https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/stories-histoires/2022/diplomatic_leadership_diplomatique-2022-03.aspx?lang=fra Women’s diplomatic leadership: 3 women tell us their storiesHTML https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/womens-diplomatic-leadership-3-women-?trackingId=%2Bn8aUi54OyZrQ1%2FSugewIw%3D%3D&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Acompanies_company_posts_index%3B3da079ae-c37d-48ec-9a1e-eb59401ed622 Women’s diplomatic leadership: 3 women tell us their storiesHTML https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/leadership-diplomatique-au-f%25C3%25A9minin-?trackingId=0nJ0797mbABxr1jyAc643g%3D%3D&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Acompanies_company_posts_index%3B3da079ae-c37d-48ec-9a1e-eb59401ed622

We have come a long way since the first woman to represent Canada abroad, Margaret Meagher, was appointed ambassador to Israel in 1958. Almost 65 years later, Canada is among the countries with the greatest proportion of women occupying key leadership roles in diplomacy. Read our new story, which features the words of 3 women who have represented Canada abroad.

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