Declare identity and patent status of pharmaceutical product under Canada's Access to Medicines Regime

Declare identity and patent status of pharmaceutical product under Canada's Access to Medicines Regime The pharmaceutical company must complete and submit to the Commissioner of Patents one of the forms listed below. The company should choose the form that corresponds to the schedule on which the importing country appears, as well as the patent status of the pharmaceutical product in that country. 2020-09-17 Health Canada Health and SafetyCanada's Access to Medicines Regimedeclare identity and patent status of pharmaceutical productpharmaceutical companyCommissioner of Patents. Declare identity and patent status of pharmaceutical product under Canada's Access to Medicines RegimeHTML Declare identity and patent status of pharmaceutical product under Canada's Access to Medicines RegimeHTML

The pharmaceutical company must complete and submit to the Commissioner of Patents one of the forms listed below. The company should choose the form that corresponds to the schedule on which the importing country appears, as well as the patent status of the pharmaceutical product in that country.

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