Consumer Product Enforcement Summary Report - Standards Project 2018-2019: Handheld Portable Laser Pointers

Consumer Product Enforcement Summary Report - Standards Project 2018-2019: Handheld Portable Laser Pointers The purpose of this Standards project was to sample handheld portable laser pointers and test them to the performance criteria of a consensus-based safety standard in order to verify compliance to the CCPSA. The safety standard used as a basis for the project testing was International Electrotechnical Commission Standard IEC 60825-1:2014 Ed.3, Safety of laser products- Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements. 2022-02-14 Health Canada Health and Safetyconsumer product enforcementenforcement summary reportcyclical enforcement projectindustry’s compliancehandheld portable laser-pointers Consumer Product Enforcement Summary Report - Standards Project 2018-2019: Handheld Portable Laser PointersHTML Consumer Product Enforcement Summary Report - Standards Project 2018-2019: Handheld Portable Laser PointersHTML

The purpose of this Standards project was to sample handheld portable laser pointers and test them to the performance criteria of a consensus-based safety standard in order to verify compliance to the CCPSA. The safety standard used as a basis for the project testing was International Electrotechnical Commission Standard IEC 60825-1:2014 Ed.3, Safety of laser products- Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements.

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