Veterans Affairs Canada Audit of Hearing Loss Decisions - December 2014

Veterans Affairs Canada Audit of Hearing Loss Decisions - December 2014 The Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Disability Benefits Program provides eligible Veterans and other qualified individuals with benefits under the Pension Act and the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act. Hearing Loss is the most claimed service-related medical condition under each of these Acts. In September 2014, in response to findings presented to the Minister regarding the number of Hearing Loss claims being approved in one region of Nova Scotia, the Minister requested an audit of Hearing Loss decisions be conducted by VAC’s Audit and Evaluation Division. The objective of this audit was to assess Veterans Affairs Canada’s compliance of Hearing Loss first decisions with applicable legislation, regulations, policies and processes. The scope covered Hearing Loss first decisions for Nova Scotia applicants that had a favourable or unfavourable decision rendered between April 1, 2012 and August 31, 2014. 2022-02-24 Veterans Affairs Canada Government and PoliticsVeterans Affairs CanadaVACInternal auditingEvaluationHearing LossVeterans Audit of Hearing Loss Decisions - December 2014HTML Audit of Hearing Loss Decisions - December 2014PDF Audit of Hearing Loss Decisions - December 2014HTML Audit of Hearing Loss Decisions - December 2014PDF

The Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Disability Benefits Program provides eligible Veterans and other qualified individuals with benefits under the Pension Act and the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act. Hearing Loss is the most claimed service-related medical condition under each of these Acts.

In September 2014, in response to findings presented to the Minister regarding the number of Hearing Loss claims being approved in one region of Nova Scotia, the Minister requested an audit of Hearing Loss decisions be conducted by VAC’s Audit and Evaluation Division.

The objective of this audit was to assess Veterans Affairs Canada’s compliance of Hearing Loss first decisions with applicable legislation, regulations, policies and processes. The scope covered Hearing Loss first decisions for Nova Scotia applicants that had a favourable or unfavourable decision rendered between April 1, 2012 and August 31, 2014.

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