Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, Vol 41, No 7/8, July/August 2021

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, Vol 41, No 7/8, July/August 2021 Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice (the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Branch of the Public Health Agency of Canada. The journal publishes articles on disease prevention, health promotion and health equity in the areas of chronic diseases, injuries and life course health. Content includes research from fields such as public/community health, epidemiology, biostatistics, the behavioural and social sciences, and health services or economics. 2021-10-23 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and SafetyReleasenoticeBrainTumourRegistryCanadaBTRCIncidence(2013–2017)Mortality(2014–2018)ReportPublic Health Agency of CanadaPHACpublicationsHealthPromotionChronicDiseasePreventionCanadaResearchPolicyPracticeHPCDPVol 41No 7/8July/August 2021HPCDPOriginalquantitativeresearchNoticingcannabiswarninglabelsUSSocioeconomicfactorssubstancespoisoning-relatedemergency departmentvisitsBCBritish ColumbiaImprovingsmokingcessationsupportQuebec’ssmokersevaluationtelephonequitlineAt-a-glancePopulationcoverageCanadianChronicDiseaseSurveillanceSystemsurveycontentsinsuranceregistriesNoticingJournalequityinjuriescommunityepidemiologybiostatisticsbehaviouralsocialsciencesservicessurveillanceSocioeconomicfactorssmoking Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, Vol 41, No 7/8, July/August 2021HTML Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, Vol 41, No 7/8, July/August 2021HTML Original quantitative research: Noticing of cannabis health warning labels in Canada and the USHTML Original quantitative research: Noticing of cannabis health warning labels in Canada and the USHTML Original quantitative research: Socioeconomic factors and substances involved in poisoning-related emergency department visits in British Columbia, CanadaHTML Original quantitative research: Socioeconomic factors and substances involved in poisoning-related emergency department visits in British Columbia, CanadaHTML Original quantitative research: Improving smoking cessation support for Quebec’s smokers: an evaluation of Quebec’s telephone quitlineHTML Original quantitative research: Improving smoking cessation support for Quebec’s smokers: an evaluation of Quebec’s telephone quitlineHTML At-a-glance: Population coverage of the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System: a survey of the contents of health insurance registries across CanadaHTML At-a-glance: Population coverage of the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System: a survey of the contents of health insurance registries across CanadaHTML Release notice – Brain Tumour Registry of Canada (BTRC): Incidence (2013–2017) and Mortality (2014–2018) ReportHTML Release notice – Brain Tumour Registry of Canada (BTRC): Incidence (2013–2017) and Mortality (2014–2018) ReportHTML

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice (the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Branch of the Public Health Agency of Canada. The journal publishes articles on disease prevention, health promotion and health equity in the areas of chronic diseases, injuries and life course health. Content includes research from fields such as public/community health, epidemiology, biostatistics, the behavioural and social sciences, and health services or economics.

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