Prohibitions related to scientific research and clinical applications

Prohibitions related to scientific research and clinical applications Under section 5(1) and section 9 of the AHR Act, no person shall knowingly create a human clone by using any technique, or transplant a human clone into a human being or into any non-human life form or artificial device; and create an in vitro embryo for any purpose other than creating a human being or improving or providing instruction in assisted reproduction procedures. 2021-06-01 Health Canada Health and SafetyProhibitionspurchasing reproductive materialpurchasing or selling In Vitro Embryosdonors of human reproductive material and in vitro embryosuse human reproductive materialvitro embryosassisted human reproduction Actthe AHR Act Prohibitions related to scientific research and clinical applicationsHTML Prohibitions related to scientific research and clinical applicationsHTML

Under section 5(1) and section 9 of the AHR Act, no person shall knowingly create a human clone by using any technique, or transplant a human clone into a human being or into any non-human life form or artificial device; and create an in vitro embryo for any purpose other than creating a human being or improving or providing instruction in assisted reproduction procedures.

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