Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the Commemoration Division Partnerships Contribution Program - February 2013

Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the Commemoration Division Partnerships Contribution Program - February 2013 This report presents the findings of the evaluation of the Partnerships Contribution Program (PCP), which covers the period between April 2008 and March 2011. This evaluation meets the Treasury Board Secretariat's requirement for evaluation coverage of all ongoing programs of grants and contributions. An evaluation of the PCP is also required as part of the renewal of the Terms and Conditions. The PCP provides a means through which Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) can extend its reach in delivering its mandate regarding commemorative activities. The program provides non-repayable contributions to a range of potential recipients, such as non-profit organizations, museums, educational institutions, provinces, territories and municipalities. There are two funding opportunities available under the PCP: * the Community Engagement Partnership Fund (CEPF) provides eligible organizations and groups with financial assistance to deliver remembrance activities and events regionally and nationally; and * the Cenotaph/Monument Restoration Program (CMRP) provides eligible organizations and groups with financial assistance to properly conserve cenotaphs and monuments honouring Canada's war dead and Veterans. 2022-02-24 Veterans Affairs Canada Government and PoliticsVeterans Affairs CanadaVACInternal auditingEvaluationCommemorationVeterans Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the Commemoration Division Partnerships Contribution Program – February 2013HTML Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the Commemoration Division Partnerships Contribution Program – February 2013PDF Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the Commemoration Division Partnerships Contribution Program – February 2013HTML Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the Commemoration Division Partnerships Contribution Program – February 2013PDF

This report presents the findings of the evaluation of the Partnerships Contribution Program (PCP), which covers the period between April 2008 and March 2011. This evaluation meets the Treasury Board Secretariat's requirement for evaluation coverage of all ongoing programs of grants and contributions. An evaluation of the PCP is also required as part of the renewal of the Terms and Conditions.

The PCP provides a means through which Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) can extend its reach in delivering its mandate regarding commemorative activities. The program provides non-repayable contributions to a range of potential recipients, such as non-profit organizations, museums, educational institutions, provinces, territories and municipalities. There are two funding opportunities available under the PCP:

  • the Community Engagement Partnership Fund (CEPF) provides eligible organizations and groups with financial assistance to deliver remembrance activities and events regionally and nationally; and

  • the Cenotaph/Monument Restoration Program (CMRP) provides eligible organizations and groups with financial assistance to properly conserve cenotaphs and monuments honouring Canada's war dead and Veterans.

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