Regulatory Directive: Master Product/Master Copy Registration Process

Regulatory Directive: Master Product/Master Copy Registration Process The Master Copy Registration Process has been put in place to streamline product registration procedures in the interests of improving operating efficiency and service to clients. Once a registered product is granted Master Product status, it may be used as a precedent for the registration of subsequent Master Copies. Master Product status may be requested in the initial submission for registration or, through amending a currently registered product. 2021-07-30 Health Canada Health and SafetyPMRARegulatory Directivemaster productmaster copymaster copy registration Processmaster product statusinitial submission for registrationamending a currently registered product Regulatory Directive: Master Product/Master Copy Registration ProcessHTML Regulatory Directive: Master Product/Master Copy Registration ProcessHTML

The Master Copy Registration Process has been put in place to streamline product registration procedures in the interests of improving operating efficiency and service to clients. Once a registered product is granted Master Product status, it may be used as a precedent for the registration of subsequent Master Copies. Master Product status may be requested in the initial submission for registration or, through amending a currently registered product.

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