Charitable Giving in Canada - Infographic

Charitable Giving in Canada - Infographic This infographic describes results on giving from the 2013 General Social Survey (GSS) on Giving, Volunteering and Participating. The purpose of this survey is to collect data regarding unpaid volunteer activities, charitable giving and participation. The results will help build a better understanding of these activities which can in turn be used to help develop programs and services. 2022-02-23 Statistics Canada Society and Cultureinfographics Infographic: Charitable Giving in CanadaHTML Infographic: Charitable Giving in CanadaHTML Infographic: Charitable Giving in CanadaPDF Infographic: Charitable Giving in CanadaPDF

This infographic describes results on giving from the 2013 General Social Survey (GSS) on Giving, Volunteering and Participating. The purpose of this survey is to collect data regarding unpaid volunteer activities, charitable giving and participation. The results will help build a better understanding of these activities which can in turn be used to help develop programs and services.

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