Security Clearance Fingerprint Third Party Consent to Release Personal Information - Cannabis Act

Security Clearance Fingerprint Third Party Consent to Release Personal Information - Cannabis Act For the purpose of your security clearance application, a Canadian police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), or private fingerprinting agencies accredited by the RCMP can submit, on your behalf, your fingerprints electronically to the RCMP for the purpose of a criminal record check. 2022-06-27 Health Canada Health and SafetyCannabis Actsecurity clearancefingerprintRCMPprivate fingerprinting agenciescriminal record checkthird party consentpersonal information Security Clearance Fingerprint Third Party Consent to Release Personal Information - Cannabis ActHTML Security Clearance Fingerprint Third Party Consent to Release Personal Information - Cannabis ActHTML

For the purpose of your security clearance application, a Canadian police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), or private fingerprinting agencies accredited by the RCMP can submit, on your behalf, your fingerprints electronically to the RCMP for the purpose of a criminal record check.

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