Notifiable diseases on-line - Reported cases from 1991 to 2016 in Canada

Notifiable diseases on-line - Reported cases from 1991 to 2016 in Canada Displays a line chart where multiple notifiable diseases (up to 6) may be selected within any selected year range from 1991 up to 2016 and by selecting either the number or rate of reported cases. The chart can be further broken down by age group and sex. The source data table, limitations of the data and descriptions for each notifiable disease(s) are also provided. 2018-12-03 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and SafetyNotifiable DiseaseDiseaseChartsRateReported caseAge GroupSexYearAcquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeAcute Flaccid ParalysisAmoebiasisAnthraxBotulismBrucellosisCampylobacteriosisChickenpoxChlamydiaCholeraClostridium difficile Associated DiarrheaCongenital Rubella SyndromeCreutzfeldt-Jakob DiseaseCryptosporidiosisCyclosporiasisDiphtheriaDysentery - Type UnspecifiedFood PoisoningGiardiasisGonorrheaGroup A Streptococcal Disease InvasiveGroup B Streptococcal Disease of the NewbornHaemophilus influenzae Disease non-b InvasiveHaemophilus influenzae Disease type b InvasiveHantavirus Pulmonary SyndromeHepatitis AHepatitis BHepatitis CHepatitis non-A non-BHepatitis UnspecifiedHuman Immunodeficiency Virus InfectionHIVInfluenza EpidemicInfluenza Laboratory ConfirmedInfluenzaFluLegionellosisLeprosyListeriosisLyme DiseaseMalariaMeaslesMeningitis Other BacterialMeningitis PneumococcalMeningitis ViralMeningococcal Disease InvasiveMumpsNorovirus InfectionParalytic Shellfish PoisoningParatyphoidPertussisPlaguePneumococcal Disease InvasivePoliomyelitisRabiesRubellaSalmonellosisScarlet Fever and Streptococcal Sore ThroatSevere Acute Respiratory SyndromeShigellosisSmallpoxSyphilisSyphilis CongenitalTetanusTrichinosisTuberculosisTularemiaTyphoidTyphoid and ParatyphoidVerotoxigenic Escherichia coli InfectionViral Haemorrhagic FeverWest Nile Virus InfectionYellow Fever. Notifiable diseases on-line - Reported cases from 1991 to 2016 in Canada HTML Notifiable diseases on-line - Reported cases from 1991 to 2016 in Canada HTML Notifiable diseases onlineHTML Notifiable diseases onlineHTML

Displays a line chart where multiple notifiable diseases (up to 6) may be selected within any selected year range from 1991 up to 2016 and by selecting either the number or rate of reported cases. The chart can be further broken down by age group and sex. The source data table, limitations of the data and descriptions for each notifiable disease(s) are also provided.

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