Veterans Affairs Canada Third Party Administered Accounts Audit - October 2010

Veterans Affairs Canada Third Party Administered Accounts Audit - October 2010 The Third-Party Administered Accounts Audit was recommended for inclusion in the Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Multi-Year Risk-Based Internal Audit Plan 2010-2013 by VAC’s Departmental Audit Committee (DAC) on March 18, 2010. The purpose of the audit was to examine the Department's responsibilities, both in making expectations clear to administrators and in monitoring their performance. Third-party administration refers to the arrangements put in place when a client requires assistance in managing their personal or financial affairs. VAC will direct an award be payable to a third party only when considered absolutely necessary in the interests of the client. The Department investigates the particular circumstances related to that client before making a decision for administration. 2022-02-24 Veterans Affairs Canada Government and PoliticsVeterans Affairs CanadaVACInternal auditEvaluationThird Party Administered Accounts Third Party Administered Accounts Audit - October 2010HTML Third Party Administered Accounts Audit - October 2010PDF Third Party Administered Accounts Audit - October 2010HTML Third Party Administered Accounts Audit - October 2010PDF

The Third-Party Administered Accounts Audit was recommended for inclusion in the Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Multi-Year Risk-Based Internal Audit Plan 2010-2013 by VAC’s Departmental Audit Committee (DAC) on March 18, 2010. The purpose of the audit was to examine the Department's responsibilities, both in making expectations clear to administrators and in monitoring their performance.

Third-party administration refers to the arrangements put in place when a client requires assistance in managing their personal or financial affairs. VAC will direct an award be payable to a third party only when considered absolutely necessary in the interests of the client. The Department investigates the particular circumstances related to that client before making a decision for administration.

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