Tips and best practices for organizing virtual meetings: Engagement sessions on COVID-19 vaccines and public health measures

Tips and best practices for organizing virtual meetings: Engagement sessions on COVID-19 vaccines and public health measures When choosing a presenter for your session, consider the specific attributes of your audience and what expertise is available in your community or organization. Identify a mechanism for tracking registrations and participants’ emails. If your event participants speak another language, you might consider hosting a bilingual event. Consider the set-up of the platform that best supports your event and participants. 2021-10-01 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and SafetyTipsbestpracticesorganizingvirtualmeetingsEngagementsessionson COVID-19vaccinespublichealthmeasuresCOVID-19vaccinationCOVIDvaccinespublichealthmeasurescommunityhealth expertscoronaviruspandemic Tips and best practices for organizing virtual meetings: Engagement sessions on COVID-19 vaccines and public health measuresHTML Tips and best practices for organizing virtual meetings: Engagement sessions on COVID-19 vaccines and public health measuresHTML

When choosing a presenter for your session, consider the specific attributes of your audience and what expertise is available in your community or organization. Identify a mechanism for tracking registrations and participants’ emails. If your event participants speak another language, you might consider hosting a bilingual event. Consider the set-up of the platform that best supports your event and participants.

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