Notifiable diseases on-line - List of nationally notifiable diseases

Notifiable diseases on-line - List of nationally notifiable diseases Notifiable Diseases Online presents information based on data from the Canadian Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (CNDSS). Nationally notifiable diseases are infectious diseases that have been identified by the federal government and provinces and territories as priorities for monitoring and control efforts. Through the CNDSS, provinces and territories voluntarily submit annual notifiable disease data, which are used to produce national disease counts and rates. The Notifiable disease charts can be used to explore trends in annual national counts and rates of reported cases of nationally notifiable diseases since 1924, where available. The list of nationally notifiable diseases has been revised periodically. A disease that has been taken off the list can be reintroduced later if its status in Canada changes. Though in early years the decision to place a disease on the list relied on expert opinion, since 1987 these decisions have been based on federal/provincial/territorial consensus using set criteria. The List of notifiable diseases provides the disease names and years in which they were considered notifiable. 2018-12-03 Public Health Agency of Canada Health and SafetyCurrentPastListDiseaseDiseasesAcute Flaccid ParalysisAFPAIDS AnthraxBotulismBrucellosisCampylobacteriosisChickenpoxVaricellaChlamydiaCholeraClostridium difficile Associated Diarrhea (CDI)Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS)Congenital SyphilisCreutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)CryptosporidiosisCyclosporiasisDiphtheriaGiardiasisGonorrheaGroup B Streptococcal Disease of the Newborn (GBS)Hantavirus Pulmonary SyndromeHepatitis AHepatitis BHepatitis CHIV InfectionInfluenza EpidemicInfluenza Laboratory ConfirmedInfluenzaFluInvasive Group A Streptococcal DiseaseInvasive Haemophilus influenzae non-b DiseaseInvasive Haemophilus influenzae type b DiseaseInvasive Meningococcal DiseaseInvasive Pneumococcal DiseaseLegionellosisLeprosyListeriosisLyme DiseaseMalariaMeaslesMumpsNorovirus InfectionParalytic Shellfish PoisoningParatyphoidPertussisPlaguePoliomyelitisRabiesRubellaSalmonellosisSARSShigellosisSmallpoxSyphilisTetanusTuberculosisTularemiaTyphoidVerotoxigenic Escherichia coli InfectionViral Hemorrhagic FeverWest Nile Virus Infection (WNV)Yellow FeverActinomycosisAmoebiasisCancerChancroidConjunctivitisEncephalitisEpidemic Diarrhea of the NewbornErysipelasFood PoisoningGlandersLouse-borne Relapsing FeverMeningitis BacterialMeningitis ViralPellagraPemphigus NeonatorumPneumoniaPsittacosisPuerperal Septicaemia Q FeverRickettsial InfectionsRocky Mountain Spotted FeverScarlet FeverSeptic Sore ThroatTick ParalysisTrachomaTrichinosisTyphus FeverVincent's Angina Notifiable diseases on-line - List of nationally notifiable diseasesHTML Notifiable diseases on-line - List of nationally notifiable diseasesHTML Notifiable diseases onlineHTML Notifiable diseases onlineHTML

Notifiable Diseases Online presents information based on data from the Canadian Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (CNDSS). Nationally notifiable diseases are infectious diseases that have been identified by the federal government and provinces and territories as priorities for monitoring and control efforts. Through the CNDSS, provinces and territories voluntarily submit annual notifiable disease data, which are used to produce national disease counts and rates. The Notifiable disease charts can be used to explore trends in annual national counts and rates of reported cases of nationally notifiable diseases since 1924, where available.

The list of nationally notifiable diseases has been revised periodically. A disease that has been taken off the list can be reintroduced later if its status in Canada changes. Though in early years the decision to place a disease on the list relied on expert opinion, since 1987 these decisions have been based on federal/provincial/territorial consensus using set criteria. The List of notifiable diseases provides the disease names and years in which they were considered notifiable.

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