Government of Alberta

48 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Chemical Expense Index 2001

    The data represents the relative expense of farm chemicals (herbicides, insecticides and fungicides) in the agricultural area of Alberta. It is an estimate of the degree to which crop production agriculture may contribute to surface or groundwater contamination.Agriculture production that makes...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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    Historical Forestry-Related Features

    This data collection contains various historical features within Alberta related to the Dominion Forestry Branch (DFB), and the early days of the Alberta Forest Service (AFS). The data collection consists of the following: Historical Forest Reserve Boundaries (1900 to 1930). Timber Berth...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    ACIMS Non-Sensitive Element Occurrences

    This file contains the June 2022 spatial data. ACIMS Non-Sensitive Element Occurrences for tracked species of conservation concern in Alberta. Vertebrate data is excluded. This file contains element occurrence polygons mapped based on NatureServe Methodology. ACIMS (Alberta Conservation...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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    Surface Water Quality Risk

    This map displays an assessment of surface water quality risk for the agricultural area of Alberta. Agricultural activities that may have an impact on surface water quality, including livestock, crop production and agrochemical use, were identified and used to produce this map. The classes shown...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Lands, Ecosystems, and Conservation Unit Contact Boundaries

    Under the Recreation, Ecosystems, and Lands Program, The Lands, Ecosystems, and Conservation Unit Contact Boundaries dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Lands, Ecosystems, and Conservation districts of Alberta and who to contact for information within that district. The...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Number of Species at Risk

    This map, created in 2002 using ArcGIS, describes the number of animal and plant species that are at risk in Alberta. 'Species at risk' is a term used by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) that includes the following categories of plants and animals:Extirpated...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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    Grazing Rental Zone

    The Grazing Rental Zones is comprised of two polygons which determine which zone a grazing disposition (GRL, FGL, GRP) is in. These zones are used to apply the rental rate that grazing leases (GRL), grazing licenses (FGL) and grazing permits (GRP) pay to the government of Alberta for use of...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Feral Horse Minimum Count

    This dataset provides the point locations of horse bands as they were observed during annual aerial surveys. Equine Management Zones are surveyed using a helicopter and horses observed on the landscape during minimum count surveys are reported. Data is stored in file geodatabase, feature class...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
    Resource Formats:
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  • Open Data

    Project Returns for Riparian Area Assessment of the Red Deer River Watershed

    The Riparian Area Assessment of Red Deer River watershed includes the Buffalo, Kneehills, Little Red Deer and Threehills subwatershed. This project focused on assessing riparian habitat along lake, creek, stream and river shorelines. This dataset was created for the Red Deer River Watershed...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Ground Water Quality Risk

    This map displays an assessment of groundwater quality risk for the agricultural area of Alberta. Agricultural activities that may have an impact on groundwater quality include livestock, crop production and agrochemical use. These activities along with the physical characteristics represented by...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Aquifer Vulnerability Index

    The Aquifer Vulnerability Index (AVI) is a method of assessing the vulnerability of aquifers to surface contaminants in Alberta. An aquifer is a geological formation that is permeable enough to transmit sufficient quantities of water to possible to support the development of water wells. In the...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Whirling Disease (AIS) Decontamination Zones

    This GIS dataset covers the four types of decontamination zones for whirling disease in Alberta, and identifies the inherent risk categories for each. These boundaries are to be used by Government of Alberta field staff and industry, as described in the Alberta Decontamination Protocol for...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Manure Production Index 2001

    The data represents the relative amount of manure production in the agricultural area of Alberta. It is an estimate of the degree to which livestock production may contribute to nutrient loading, pathogens and odour. The classes shown on the map are ranked between 0 (lowest) and 1 (highest). This...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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    Cultivation Intensity Index 2001

    The data represents the relative cultivation intensity in the agricultural area of Alberta. Cultivation intensity refers to the frequency of cultivation associated with the following management systems: no till, conventional tillage and summerfallow. It is an estimate of the degree to which...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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    Crown Land Reservations

    A Crown land reservation is a tool under Section 18(c) of the Public Lands Act, to identify a management intent that will inform and provide direction to potential land users and regulatory bodies as authorized under the Public Lands Act. A reservation is not a disposition, does not grant any...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Provincial Bison Protection Areas

    The Provincial Bison Protection Areas dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Bison Protection Areas in Alberta. In order to support the conservation, management and recovery of disease-free bison in northern Alberta, wood bison located within specified Wildlife Management Units...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
    Resource Formats:
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  • Open Data

    Fertilizer Expense Index 2001

    The data represents the relative expense of fertilizer and lime in the agricultural area of Alberta. It is an estimate of the degree to which agriculture may affect nutrient levels in surface and groundwater. The classes shown on the map are ranked between 0 (lowest) and 1 (highest).Mapping the...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Biodiversity Risk

    The data represents an assessment of biodiversity risk for the agricultural area of Alberta in 2002. Biodiversity risk refers to the loss of biological diversity, or the variety of plant and animal life in agricultural landscapes. This map, created in ArcGIS, tries to show where biodiversity...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Mountain Pine Beetle Inventory 1975 - 2010

    The mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, MPB) is native to western Canada. It attacks all pine including lodgepole, limber, whitebark and jack pine. Over the past 40 years the range of mountain pine beetle has expanded, possibly due to changes in the area of climatically...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Mountain Goat and Sheep Areas

    Mountain Goat and Sheep Ranges were determined from both observations (telemetry and aerial sheep/goat surveys) and habitat suitability indexes. Goat and sheep ranges have been buffered by 800m to derive zones. Range delineation encompasses use during all seasons.To identify goat and sheep ranges...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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