Government of Alberta

371 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Number of Full-Time Equivalent Physicians by Specialty

    This table provides statistics on the Number of Full-Time Equivalent Physicians by Specialty, based on fee-for-service payments under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical Supplement” report...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Alternative Relationship Plans (ARP) Summary by Type

    This table provides statistics on the Number of Practitioners and Total Expenditures under Clinical and Academic Alternative Relationship Plans (ARP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical Supplement” report published annually by Alberta...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Distribution of Alternative Relationship Plan (ARP) Service Events by Specialty

    This table provides statistics on the Distribution of Alternative Relationship Plan (ARP) Service Events by Specialty under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical Supplement” report published...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Top 50 Health Service Codes based on Physician Service Events Submitted by Alternative Relationship Plans (ARPs)

    This table provides statistics on the Top 50 Health Service Codes based on Physician Service Events submitted by Alternative Relationship Plans (ARPs) under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Distribution of Optometry Payments and Services per Patient

    This table provides a comparison of annual statistics on Optometry Payments and Services per patient, based on fee-for-service payments under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Distribution of Average Gross Payments

    This table provides a comparison of annual statistics on the Distribution of Average Gross Payments to Physicians by Specialty, based on fee-for-service payments under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Distribution of Fee-For-Service Physicians by Specialty

    This table provides a comparison of annual statistics on the Distribution of Physicians by Specialty, based on fee-for-service payments under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Basic Health Services: Percentage Changes to Rates in the Schedules of Benefits

    This table provides statistics on Percentage Changes to Rates for Basic Health Services in the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) Schedule of Medical Benefits. This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical Supplement” report published...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Percentage Changes to Rates in the Schedule of Medical Benefits by Specialty

    This table provides statistics on Percentage Changes to Rates in the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) Schedule of Medical Benefits by Specialty. This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical Supplement” report published annually by...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Distribution of Payments by Practitioner Type and Alberta Health Services Geographic Zone Service Location and Recipient Location

    This table provides statistics on Distribution of Payments by Practitioner Type and Alberta Health Services Geographic Zone Service Location and Recipient Location under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the "Alberta Health Care Insurance...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Number of Services by Practitioner Type and Alberta Health Services Geographic Zone Service Location and Recipient Location

    This table provides statistics on the Number of Services by Practitioner Type and Alberta Health Services Geographic Zone Service Location and Recipient Location under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the "Alberta Health Care Insurance...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Out-of-Country Basic Health Services: Distribution of Payments, Number of Services and Discrete Patients

    This table provides a comparison of annual statistics on the Distribution of Payments, Number of Services, and Discrete Patients by Practitioner Type for Out-of-Country Basic Health Services, based on fee-for-service payments under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Distribution of Alternative Relationship Plan (ARP) Physicians by Specialty

    This table provides statistics on the distribution of physicians by specialty based on service events submitted by Alternative Relationship Plan (ARP) under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Top 50 Health Service Codes based on Physician Fee-For-Service Payments

    This table provides statistics on the Top 50 Health Service Codes based on Physician Fee-For-Service Payments under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical Supplement” report published...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Distribution of Physician Services

    This table provides a comparison of annual statistics on the Distribution of physician services by Specialty, based on fee-for-service payments under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Distribution of In Province Medical Reciprocal Payments

    This table provides statistics on the Distribution of In Province Medical Reciprocal Payments under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical Supplement” report published annually by Alberta...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Out-of-Province Basic Health Services: Distribution of Payments, Number of Services and Discrete Patients

    This table provides statistics on the Distribution of Payments, Number of Services and Discrete Patients for Out-of-Province Basic Health Services under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Out-of-Province Hospital Services: Distribution of Payments, Number of Services and Discrete Patients

    This table provides statistics on the Distribution of Payments, Number of Services and Discrete Patients for Out-of-Province Hospital Services under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Number of Podiatrists and Average Payments to Podiatrists within their Age Group

    This table provides a comparison of annual statistics on the Number of Podiatrists and Average Payments to Podiatrists, by Age Group, based on fee-for-service payments under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care...
    Government of Alberta
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    Government of Alberta
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  • Open Data

    Primary Care Networks: Distribution of Primary Care Providers, Number of Patients, and Total Payments by Alberta Health Services Geographic Zone

    This table provides statistics on Primary Care Networks in Alberta by Health Zone, Number of Primary Care Providers, Number of Patients, and Total Payments. This table is an Excel version of a table in the “Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Statistical Supplement” report published annually by...
    Government of Alberta
    Issued by:
    Government of Alberta
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