Open Data Fort Vermilion and Equivalent Lithofacies (GIS data, polygon features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 11 of the Atlas, Devonian...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Ordovician (OS1) Paleogeography (GIS data, line features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 7 of the Atlas, Paleographic...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Elk Point Isopach (GIS data, polygon features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 10 of the Atlas, Devonian Elk...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Surficial Sand and Gravel Deposits of Alberta: Digital Mosaic (GIS data, polygon features)
This GIS dataset represents a reclassification of existing surficial map information for the purpose of portraying the distribution of sand and gravel deposits in Alberta. The surficial geology of Alberta ungeneralised digital mosaic (Alberta Geological Survey DIG2013-0001) represents the primary...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Bow Island/Viking/Paddy/Newcastle Paleogeography (GIS data, polygon features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 17 of the Atlas, Paleographic...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Uppermost Cretaceous and Tertiary Subcrop Geology (GIS data, polygon features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 24 of the Atlas, Uppermost...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Alberta Diamond Inclusion Dataset
This Alberta diamond inclusion dataset includes electron microprobe analyses of garnet, clinopyroxene, olivine, ferropericlase and rutile inclusions from diamonds sampled by the Buffalo Head Hills kimberlite field. The data are compiled from Davies et al. (2004) and Banas (2006). Diamond...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- ASCII Grid
Open Data Geochemical Data from the Bad Heart Formation, Northwestern Alberta (tabular data, tab delimited format)
The dataset accompanies Alberta Geological Survey Open File Report 2009-01. The dataset contains the results of geochemical analyses of rock samples from the Bad Heart Formation, Clear Hills region and Smoky River region (northwestern Alberta) collected by Alberta Geological Survey from 2004 to...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Cadomin/Gething/Ellerslie/Dina Paleogeography (GIS data, line features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 17 of the Atlas, Paleographic...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Lower Jurassic Petroleum System (GIS data, polygon features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 31 of the Atlas, Petroleum...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML