Open Data Devonian Petroleum System (GIS data, line features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 31 of the Atlas, Petroleum...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Surficial Geology, Edson, NTS 83F (GIS data, polygon features)
This GIS dataset is a GIS version of Alberta Geological Survey Map 139, polygon features, as mapped at 1:250,000 scale. Digitizing was originally done by Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA). The data were supplied to Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) by PFRA in Arc/Info coverage...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Middle Leduc Lithofacies/Paleogeography (GIS data, polygon features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 12 of the Atlas, Devonian...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Surficial Geology of the Trout River Area, Alberta (NTS 84B/SE) (GIS data, polygon features)
This GIS dataset depicts the surficial geology of the NTS map area 84B Southeast (polygon features). The data are created in ArcInfo format and output for public distribution in Arc export (E00) and shapefile formats.Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Wabamun Lake Modelling Case Study - Chemical Analyses of Formation Waters (point features, comma separated text file) (NTS 83G)
In November 2005, participants at the Workshop on Geological Storage of CO2 at Princeton University agreed on the need for a common test problem to assess various models to simulate the fate of CO2 injected into the subsurface. Alberta Geological Survey offered to make available the data for the...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- ASCII Grid
Open Data Alberta Springs Compilation (tabular data, tab-delimited format)
This data release is a compilation of data that characterize Alberta groundwater springs. It was compiled from several government datasets and reports, and fieldwork conducted by Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) staff members. The source datasets include the digitized Alberta Research Council...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Bedrock Geology of Alberta (GIS data, polygon features)
This GIS dataset is part of a digital compilation of the bedrock geology of Alberta. It is one of the datasets used to produce Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) Map 600. This dataset represents the compilation of existing geological maps and original geological mapping by AGS staff. Mapping in...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Net Pellets Isopach - Upper Stettler Fm (GIS data, line features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 13 of the Atlas, Devonian...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Stratigraphic and Lithological Picks of the Uppermost Geological Units in the Athabasca Oil Sands Area (tabular data, tab-delimited format)
This dataset has stratigraphic and lithological picks of the upper bedrock and Quaternary geological units in the Athabasca Oil Sands Area extending north from Cold Lake to the Fort McMurray region. The picks were compiled from the mid-1970s to 2006 to construct maps of the subsurface...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML
Open Data Distribution map (GIS data, polygon features)
The Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin was designed primarily as a reference volume documenting the subsurface geology of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. This GIS dataset is one of a collection of shapefiles representing part of Chapter 9 of the Atlas, Middle...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- HTML