Open Data Alberta Farm Cash Receipts From the Sale of Crops
This products provides information on Alberta Farm Cash Receipts from the Sales of Crops during a 30-year period. Total Crop Market Cash Receipts of Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye, Flaxseed, Canola, Sugar Beets, Dry Peas, Mustard Seed, Sunflower Seed, Lentils, Forage and Grass Seed, Hay and Clover,...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX
Open Data Grant payments disclosure
These searchable files provide information on grant payments made by the Government of Alberta departments and select agencies to support programs and initiatives throughout the province. The payment data is available in files for each fiscal year (April 1 to March 31). The data identifies: the...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- Other
Open Data Alberta Direct to Packer Sales
This product provides information on Alberta Direct to Packer Sales, annual number sold and Weighted average prices ($ per 100 lbs) for a ten-year period. Monthly figures for 2012, 2013 and 2014 are included.Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX
Open Data Farm Bankruptcies, Canada and Provinces
This product provides information on Farm Bankruptcies, Canada and Provinces, for a twenty-year period.Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX
Open Data Production, Disposition and Value of Eggs, Alberta
This product provides information on Production, Disposition and Value of Eggs, Alberta, for a ten-year period. Production of Eggs by Average number of layers, by number od Dozens; Disposition of Eggs Sold for Consumption; Sold for Hatching; Leakers and Rejects; and Producer Use for Consumption...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX
Open Data Alberta Farm Operating Expenses and Depreciation
This product provides information on Alberta Farm Operating Expenses and Depreciations for a 30-year period. Detailed operating expenses to name a few such as property taxes, cash wages, interest electricity, heating fuel, fertilizer, pesticides, commercial seed & feed, livestock and poultry...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX
Open Data Livestock on Farms, Canada and Provinces, July 1
This product provides information on Livestock (Cattle and Calves; Pigs, Sheep and Lambs) number of Head on Farms, Canada and Provinces, at July 1, over a twelve-year period.Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX
Open Data Value of Agricultural Production in Alberta, 2009-2014
This Product provides information on the Value of Agricultural Production in Alberta from 2009 to 2014. Total Tonnes of Crop Production; Average Farm Value (dollars per tonnes); the Value (dollars) of Production by Crop Types and by Livestock and Livestock Products; the Total Gross Value ($) of...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX
Open Data Average Feeder Cattle Prices, Northern Alberta
This product provides information on Average Feeder Cattle Prices, Northern Alberta, for a twelve-year period. Prices for Feeder Steers and Feeder Heifers by Lbs-ranges; and monthly number in 2012, 2013, 2014 are included.Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX
Open Data Average Feeder Cattle Prices, Southern Alberta
This product provides information on Average Feeder Cattle Prices, Southern Alberta, over a twelve-year period. Prices for Feeder Steers and Feeder Heifers by Lbs-ranges; and monthly number in 2012, 2013, 2014 are included.Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX