Open Data Alberta Activity Index data table
The Alberta Activity Index (AAX) closely tracks economic activity. Developed by Alberta Treasury Board and Finance, it is a weighted average of nine monthly indicators (employment, average weekly earnings, retail trade, wholesale trade, manufacturing, new truck sales, housing starts, rigs...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX
Open Data Summary of oil and gas sites with closure work funded through the Site Rehabilitation Program
This dataset contains a summary of oil and gas sites with closure work funded through the Site Rehabilitation Program.Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX
Open Data AEIR Air Emission Rates
These datasets contain information on industrial sources and air emission rates collected under the Alberta Annual Emissions Inventory Reporting (AEIR) Program.Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX
Open Data Project Returns for Wetland Inventory Pilots
The Wetland Inventory Pilot project is part of ongoing efforts to develop innovative wetland mapping methodologies across Alberta, Canada with the objective to refine and establish wetland inventory mapping methodologies using advanced Earth Observation (EO) imagery and machine learning (ML)...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- ZIP
Open Data List of Elements in Alberta - vascular plants
List of vascular plants (clubmosses, horsetails, ferns, conifers and flowering plants) documented for the province of Alberta, including native as well as some exotic (introduced) species.Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- XLSX
Open Data 83 - Historical Forest Inventory - Phase 1 (Broad Scale) Maps
The Phase 1 (Broad Scale) Forest Inventory was initiated in 1949 and completed by 1956. The Phase 1 (Broad Scale) Forest Inventory included all publicly owned forested lands in the province except Indian lands, national parks, and an area known as the Rocky Mountains Forest Reserve. The Phase 1...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- ZIP
Open Data 74 - Historical Forest Inventory - Phase 1 (Broad Scale) Maps
The Phase 1 (Broad Scale) Forest Inventory was initiated in 1949 and completed by 1956. The Phase 1 (Broad Scale) Forest Inventory included all publicly owned forested lands in the province except Indian lands, national parks, and an area known as the Rocky Mountains Forest Reserve. The Phase 1...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- ZIP
Open Data West of 6th Meridian - Historical Forest Inventory - Phase 3 Maps
The Phase 3 Forest Inventory Program commenced in 1970 and the initial data collection was completed in 1984 as per a 1966 federal-provincial task force recommendation that a provincial forest inventory should be completed before private company timber harvest quotas came up for renewal in 1986....Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- ZIP
Open Data 82 - Historical Watershed Boundary Maps
The Historical Watershed Boundary Maps consists of the watersheds printed colour maps within Alberta that were delineated as part of the Phase 3 Forest Inventory program. The maps have been scanned in black and white as well as colour. This product can be viewed on a computer, printed or plotted...Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- ZIP
Open Data West of 5th Meridian - Historical Forest Inventory - Phase 3 Maps
The Phase 3 Forest Inventory Program commenced in 1970 and the initial data collection was completed in 1984 as per a 1966 federal-provincial task force recommendation that a provincial forest inventory should be completed before private company timber harvest quotas came up for renewal in 1986....Organization:Government of AlbertaIssued by:Government of AlbertaResource Formats:- ZIP