Public Health Agency of Canada

6 datasets found
  • Open Data

    COVID-19 Wastewater

    People infected with COVID-19 can shed the virus through their stool, even if they don't have any symptoms. Testing a community's sewage (wastewater) can tell us if COVID-19 is increasing or decreasing in that community. Our scientists have developed a pan-Canadian wastewater network to monitor...
    Public Health Agency of Canada
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
    • HTML
  • Open Data

    ePATHogen Risk Group Dataset

    The dataset includes a searchable list of biological agents with their associated biological agent type, risk group decisions, and other regulatory information.
    Public Health Agency of Canada
    Resource Formats:
    • JSON
    • HTML
  • Open Data

    Cumulative number and percent of people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine by vaccine product, number of doses, jurisdiction, and report week

    This dataset provides the cumulative number and percent of people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine by vaccine product, number of doses, jurisdiction, and report week. Variables include: Jurisdiction ID number Jurisdiction Report week Vaccine product Cumulative number vaccinated with at least...
    Public Health Agency of Canada
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
  • Open Data

    Cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in Canada by jurisdiction

    This dataset provides the cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in Canada by jurisdiction, vaccine product, and report date. Variables include: Jurisdiction ID number Jurisdiction Report date Cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered Cumulative number of Pfizer-...
    Public Health Agency of Canada
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV